The 4th annual EUKN conference brings together stakeholders for an interactive exchange of strategies, experiences and hands-on knowledge on practical aspects of the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy. Cohesion Policy is the major instrument of the European Union to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion. It is also one of the instruments to achieve the Europe 2020 Strategy, aimed at sustainable, smart and inclusive growth. But what does this mean in practice? How are cities involved in this European wide strategy? What programmes and instruments are aimed at supporting cities to contribute to the realisation of EU2020? How can Europe assist cities in better addressing local challenges? With the new EU programming period (2014-2020) in sight, EUKN and the Polish Presidency would like to stimulate a dialogue on the role of cities.
Opening Conference
Deputy Mayor City of Warsaw (to be confirmed)
Word of Welcome
Mr.Piotr Zuber - Director Ministry of Regional Development Poland
Introduction by Conference Chair
Prof.Dr. Michael Parkinson - Director of the European Institute for Urban Affairs
Outlook: the urban dimension of the new EU programming period
Representative unit - “conception, forward studies, impact assessment”, European Commission, Directorate General for Regional Policy (to be confirmed)
Identification of local instruments for a successful integrated urban development
Mr Martin zur Nedden, Deputy Mayor of Leipzig
Lessons learnt from urban regeneration
Jan Maarten de Vet, managing director at Ecorys in Brussels
But even more than looking towards future urban policies, this joint conference will focus on what can be learnt from current integral urban projects. All over Europe, cities have gained experience with integrated urban development. The following topics play a prominent role in the conference:
How to construct a successful integrated urban approach at local level?
What financial mechanisms are available to cities and are new innovative financial instruments needed?
What lessons can be drawn for future European programmes?
Other related topics such as “lessons to be learnt from urban regeneration” and “how multi-level governance arrangements can stimulate sustainable, smart and inclusive growth” will be addressed by means of tangible projects. By focussing on concrete local practices, the added value of a strong urban dimension of Cohesion Policy will be discussed.
This two-day conference brings together policy, practice and research. The relation between strategic EU objectives and daily urban practice will be the core focus of this conference. Experts from European, national and local level will share their views on how Cohesion Policy programmes touch upon urban policies and what a possible future might look like. You are invited to share your view and take part in this debate via interactive discussions and workshops.
On-site visits to projects in Warsaw and presentations of good practices from all over Europe will give you a deeper insight in concrete instruments which might further strengthen the effectiveness of your own policy initiatives. The conference will also offer many informal opportunities for knowledge exchange and networking.
Practical information
Location: Ministry of Regional Development, Warsaw, Poland
Fee: No fee
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