19 de abril de 2012

Conferência e-GEO - "Simulation models of the Simpop series"

Quando: 19 de Abril - 18.00h

Onde: Lisboa - FCSH-UNL - Torre A - Anfiteatro 002

Com quem: Professora Denise Pumain

Entrada livre

The SIMPOP platform is a geosimulation tool for exploring the future of cities and reconstructing their past dynamics.
Through multi-agent modeling of cities systems evolution, geographers and computer scientists are tackling questions like:
- What makes us think of systems of cities as complex systems ?
- To what extents are they self-organised, can they be controlled ?
- Which cities will rise or decline during the next decades ?
- Can cities escape from general trends through clever governance ?
- Are global cities an innovation of the 20th century ?
- What is comparable in the evolution of cities in countries as different as United States and South-Africa ?


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