24 de julho de 2012

CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios, nº 23 (Revista de Estudos Urbanos)

CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios is an academic journal in the scientific area of Urban Studies that was established in 2000 by a team of researchers from the former Centre for Territorial Studies, consolidating a heritage of scientific research and academic work at ISCTE-IUL for over twenty years. Its founder and first director was Professor Vítor Matias Ferreira.

CIDADES, now in e-journal format, pursues the objective of disseminating research and discussions in the scientific area of Urban Studies, seeking to consolidate itself in the academic publishing scene, nationally and internationally, as a reference publication in its field.

The orientation of CIDADES is based on the plurality of theoretical perspectives and disciplinary approaches to the analysis of the city, as enshrined in the array of multidisciplinary scientific area of Urban Studies. CIDADES seeks further knowledge about urban problems and policies in order to intervene and, in general, concerning the processes of transformation of cities, communities and territories.

No 23 (2011) - Índice


- As relações de vizinhança nas redes de suporte social num bairro social: Um estudo com residentes no Bairro de Santiago em Aveiro
Ana Paula Caetano, Sónia Guadalupe
- Percorrendo a (C)idade com idosos: a construção urbana da vulnerabilidade
Teresa Amor
- Construção, densificação, declínio e demolição de uma área urbana em crise: Uma história de desassossego em torno do abandono e das políticas
Sónia Alves
- Near and far: A case of social mix in Lisbon
Teresa Costa Pinto
- Postmodern City, Gentrification and the Social Production of Fragmented Space
Luís Filipe Mendes

- Recensão crítica do livro “Lufa-Lufa Quotidiana, Ensaios sobre cidade, cultura e vida urbana"
Alda Teixeira Gonçalves


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