10 de abril de 2013

Complex Urban Systems

2013 AAG Los Angeles Special Session
Session supported by the IGU Urban commission 2012-2016

10th April 2013

Los Angeles

Urban systems have seen radical changes in recent decades and will continue to evolve. National, continental and global urban systems provide the frameworks for analyses of the role and function of twenty-first century cities. Features such as city size, economic specialization, migration and interaction all influence the place of cities within the hierarchy of urban places. Arguably, transport and communication technologies are particularly important to an understanding of the control functions of cities. Obvious questions emerge surrounding processes and differential development paths taken while the role of government and contribution of various actors is increasingly explored. The IGU Urban Commission proposes a session on ‘Complex Urban Systems’ where presentations, debates and international comparisons are identified and where the accelerated growth of a limited number of global command centres in the highly connected world of electronic communications, finance, trade, and rapid travel are discussed. While the main focus is upon places at the upper end of the hierarchy it is also important to consider the impacts of change on smaller, often declining, less well connected places throughout the remainder of the urban hierarchy.

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