28 de junho de 2015

The ENHR2015 Conference

Housing and Cities in a time of change: are we focusing on People?
(European Network for Housing Research)

28th June – 1st July

Lisboa - ISCTE

This conference will get together in the same place people from all over the world. We will meet to discuss new and better places to live focused on persons

Plenary Sessions

- Housing and welfare state in a time of change

- Urban regeneration and territorial development - the need for new approaches

How does the territorial approach to urban challenges matter in a time of change?
Urban marketing and competition between cities and regions often hide the decline of both central areas and suburbia, dwarfing severe cases of social, economic and cultural crisis. Our cities are becoming increasingly unbalanced regarding access to housing and services of general interest, commodities, jobs and welfare.
The need for integrated urban policies aimed at regenerating these declining areas, providing growth, houses and jobs, is increasingly consensual. Urban regeneration involving an intervention in time and space to achieve the qualification of both the physical structures, the social fabric, the economic dynamics and the quality of built environment, is encouraged by the European Union specific programs.
Success of urban regeneration is very much dependant of the ability to mobilize hidden resources and address the different dimensions of the urban problems it is meant to tackle.
Giving the concerned populations and other stakeholders a relevant role in the design and implementation of appropriate solutions for each local context, in the framework of a democratic participatory multi-level governance system, is a major factor of success.
But, cities are not isolated. In a time of globalisation, cities and regions are increasingly interdependent and local problems are often determined by factors arising well beyond the cities’ boundaries. A territorial development approach, with a strong strategic mind set and innovative methodologies and tools, is necessary to tackle the new challenges our cities are facing and project them into the future.

- Housing market and territory - (new) tools for a better integration

- Social and associative involvement - Social dimension of space

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28th June

ISCTE-IUL (the same venue as the ENHR2015 Conference)

Offers PhD students and early career delegates a supportive environment to present full papers, outline methods or work in progress and receive constructive feedback.

Ver mais:
- http://www.enhr2015.com/index.php/newresearch/4-venue
- http://www.enhr.net/newhousing_researchers_colloquium.php

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