4 de outubro de 2012

“What is an 8-80 City? Creating Healthy & Vibrant Communities. Now!”

Sessão /Debate com a orientação de Gil Peñalosa

4 de Outubro - 21:00

Águeda - Salão Nobre da Câmara Municipal

Com Gil Peñalosa, um especialista internacional na área da mobilidade e desenho de espaços públicos urbanos, diretor executivo da 8-80cities Organization (organização sem fins lucrativos canadiana dedicada à transformação das cidades em lugares com espaços para passear, andar de bicicleta e usufruir de espaços públicos vibrantes), os participantes terão oportunidade de observar, refletir e debater a cidade de hoje e a cidade que queremos ter, identificando aspetos a trabalhar para gerar os melhores resultados.

The 8-80 Philosophy
8-80 Cities is based on a simple philosophy:
If you create a city that’s good for an 8 year old and good for an 80 year old, you will create a successful city for everyone. This is an 8-80 City.

What are the elements of an 8-80 City?
- 8-80 Cities are communities built for people. They reflect social equality in the public realm and promote sustainable happiness.
- They nurture our need to be physically active by providing safe, accessible and enjoyable places for everyone walk, bike and be active as part of our daily routine.
- They recognize that people are social creatures and prioritize human interaction by fostering vibrant streets and great public places where people can rest, relax and play.
- 8-80 Cities encourage sustainable and healthy lifestyles for everyone regardless of age, gender, ability, ethnicity or economic background.

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