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24 de novembro de 2011
21 de novembro de 2011
Encontro Anual da Ad Urbem
Encontro Anual da Ad Urbem
Quando? 25 e 26 de Novembro
Onde? Oeiras - Carnaxide - Auditório Ruy de Carvalho
O Encontro Anual da Ad Urbem de 2011, sobre Políticas de Solos no Direito do Urbanismo e da Construção, tem início na próxima sexta-feira, dia 25 de Novembro, em Oeiras.
Este ano a Ad Urbem propõe-se debater as questões suscitadas pela prevista revisão da Lei dos Solos, iniciada pelo anterior governo e retomada pelo actual.
Os painéis temáticos, em que são conferencistas convidados Claudio Monteiro, Fernanda Paula Oliveira, Pedro Bingre do Amaral e Sidónio Costa Pardal, irão como habitualmente ser enriquecidos com a apresentação das várias comunicações já recebidas pela Ad Urbem e com um debate geral entre todos os participantes.
A conferência de encerramento, no dia 26, será proferida por Demetrio Muñoz Gielen, investigador da Universidade de Radboud Nijmegen, na Holanda, que se tem dedicado ao estudo do problema da retenção das mais-valias geradas nos processos de reabilitação e recomposição urbana.
As inscrições on line estão abertas até às 24H00 do dia 23 de Novembro. Podem ainda inscrever-se no próprio dia 25 Novembro, junto do secretariado do Encontro.
Enviado por:
Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Direito do Urbanismo e da Construção
Quando? 25 e 26 de Novembro
Onde? Oeiras - Carnaxide - Auditório Ruy de Carvalho
O Encontro Anual da Ad Urbem de 2011, sobre Políticas de Solos no Direito do Urbanismo e da Construção, tem início na próxima sexta-feira, dia 25 de Novembro, em Oeiras.
Este ano a Ad Urbem propõe-se debater as questões suscitadas pela prevista revisão da Lei dos Solos, iniciada pelo anterior governo e retomada pelo actual.
Os painéis temáticos, em que são conferencistas convidados Claudio Monteiro, Fernanda Paula Oliveira, Pedro Bingre do Amaral e Sidónio Costa Pardal, irão como habitualmente ser enriquecidos com a apresentação das várias comunicações já recebidas pela Ad Urbem e com um debate geral entre todos os participantes.
A conferência de encerramento, no dia 26, será proferida por Demetrio Muñoz Gielen, investigador da Universidade de Radboud Nijmegen, na Holanda, que se tem dedicado ao estudo do problema da retenção das mais-valias geradas nos processos de reabilitação e recomposição urbana.
As inscrições on line estão abertas até às 24H00 do dia 23 de Novembro. Podem ainda inscrever-se no próprio dia 25 Novembro, junto do secretariado do Encontro.
Enviado por:
Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Direito do Urbanismo e da Construção
16 de novembro de 2011
The Urbanism Awards 2012
The Academy of Urbanism, um grupo independente que reúne especialistas de áreas ligadas ao urbanismo na Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda, declarou Lisboa a Cidade Europeia do Ano 2012, prémio votado por cerca de 500 académicos e que distingue um conjunto de boas práticas urbanísticas. A capital portuguesa concorria com Oslo (Noruega) e Gotemburgo (Suécia) e conseguiu levar o troféu para casa: conquistou o prémio The European City of the Year 2012 da Academy of Urbanism, recebido numa gala realizada na sexta-feira em Londres e na qual a Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML) se fez representar pelo seu vice-presidente, Manuel Salgado.
A maioria dos cerca de 500 membros da academia – uma organização “autónoma e politicamente independente”, constituída por um grupo multidisciplinar de pensadores e decisores da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda dedicado ao urbanismo – deu o voto a Lisboa após, em Agosto, informa a CML, uma delegação daquele organismo ter estado na cidade a analisar e a observar in loco projectos urbanísticos autárquicos.
O programa de visita incluiu a “apresentação dos projectos referentes ao orçamento participativo, Programa BIP/ZIP [Bairros e Zonas de Intervenção prioritária de Lisboa], requalificação e reabilitação da Mouraria, bem como os projectos urbanísticos da frente ribeirinha”.
Os critérios de nomeação da cidade passam por quatro pilares, relacionados com a “cumulatividade das políticas públicas”, Lisboa como “capital da República e da cidadania aberta ao mundo”, como “cidade de bairros, cosmopolita e eficiente”, como “cidade da descoberta”.
Além do prémio para Lisboa, houve ainda outras distinções:
“Grande Cidade 2012″ (grande área metropolitana) – Derry-Londonderry (Irlanda do Norte)
“Grande Bairro 2012″ – o centro histórico e porto de Margate (Inglaterra)
“Grande Rua 2012″ – Steep Hill (Lincoln, Inglaterra)
“Grande Lugar 2012″ – Victoria Quarter (Leeds, Inglaterra)
A maioria dos cerca de 500 membros da academia – uma organização “autónoma e politicamente independente”, constituída por um grupo multidisciplinar de pensadores e decisores da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda dedicado ao urbanismo – deu o voto a Lisboa após, em Agosto, informa a CML, uma delegação daquele organismo ter estado na cidade a analisar e a observar in loco projectos urbanísticos autárquicos.
O programa de visita incluiu a “apresentação dos projectos referentes ao orçamento participativo, Programa BIP/ZIP [Bairros e Zonas de Intervenção prioritária de Lisboa], requalificação e reabilitação da Mouraria, bem como os projectos urbanísticos da frente ribeirinha”.
Os critérios de nomeação da cidade passam por quatro pilares, relacionados com a “cumulatividade das políticas públicas”, Lisboa como “capital da República e da cidadania aberta ao mundo”, como “cidade de bairros, cosmopolita e eficiente”, como “cidade da descoberta”.
Além do prémio para Lisboa, houve ainda outras distinções:
“Grande Cidade 2012″ (grande área metropolitana) – Derry-Londonderry (Irlanda do Norte)
“Grande Bairro 2012″ – o centro histórico e porto de Margate (Inglaterra)
“Grande Rua 2012″ – Steep Hill (Lincoln, Inglaterra)
“Grande Lugar 2012″ – Victoria Quarter (Leeds, Inglaterra)
15 de novembro de 2011
Technologies in urban and spatial planning: Virtual cities and territories
IGI Global, a leading international publisher of books and highly ranked scientific journals on technology and all its applications to the various fields of human activities, is publishing a new edited book “Technologies in urban and spatial planning: Virtual cities and territories”.
This book aims to present the state-of-the-art of the development and application of all kinds of new virtual technologies based on the use of hardware and software developed to represent and simulate virtual environments, built spaces, and buildings, and the interactions of these new technological solutions with policy making and design.
Four main editorial objectives were drawn for the project:
▪ To publish a high quality handbook that presents a comprehensive and detailed overview about the use of new technologies in urban and spatial planning and architecture;
▪ To provide solid information that supports the use of these new technologies for assisting design and decision making;
▪ To formulate a rationale that grounds the theory already devised on these topics;
▪ To present, through case study applications, the use of these new technologies and innovative methods based on them.
The Editors
Nuno Norte Pinto, José António Tenedório, António Pais Antunes and Josep Roca
This book aims to present the state-of-the-art of the development and application of all kinds of new virtual technologies based on the use of hardware and software developed to represent and simulate virtual environments, built spaces, and buildings, and the interactions of these new technological solutions with policy making and design.
Four main editorial objectives were drawn for the project:
▪ To publish a high quality handbook that presents a comprehensive and detailed overview about the use of new technologies in urban and spatial planning and architecture;
▪ To provide solid information that supports the use of these new technologies for assisting design and decision making;
▪ To formulate a rationale that grounds the theory already devised on these topics;
▪ To present, through case study applications, the use of these new technologies and innovative methods based on them.
The Editors
Nuno Norte Pinto, José António Tenedório, António Pais Antunes and Josep Roca
4th annual conference of the European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN)
The 4th annual EUKN conference brings together stakeholders for an interactive exchange of strategies, experiences and hands-on knowledge on practical aspects of the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy. Cohesion Policy is the major instrument of the European Union to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion. It is also one of the instruments to achieve the Europe 2020 Strategy, aimed at sustainable, smart and inclusive growth. But what does this mean in practice? How are cities involved in this European wide strategy? What programmes and instruments are aimed at supporting cities to contribute to the realisation of EU2020? How can Europe assist cities in better addressing local challenges? With the new EU programming period (2014-2020) in sight, EUKN and the Polish Presidency would like to stimulate a dialogue on the role of cities.
Opening Conference
Deputy Mayor City of Warsaw (to be confirmed)
Word of Welcome
Mr.Piotr Zuber - Director Ministry of Regional Development Poland
Introduction by Conference Chair
Prof.Dr. Michael Parkinson - Director of the European Institute for Urban Affairs
Outlook: the urban dimension of the new EU programming period
Representative unit - “conception, forward studies, impact assessment”, European Commission, Directorate General for Regional Policy (to be confirmed)
Identification of local instruments for a successful integrated urban development
Mr Martin zur Nedden, Deputy Mayor of Leipzig
Lessons learnt from urban regeneration
Jan Maarten de Vet, managing director at Ecorys in Brussels
But even more than looking towards future urban policies, this joint conference will focus on what can be learnt from current integral urban projects. All over Europe, cities have gained experience with integrated urban development. The following topics play a prominent role in the conference:
How to construct a successful integrated urban approach at local level?
What financial mechanisms are available to cities and are new innovative financial instruments needed?
What lessons can be drawn for future European programmes?
Other related topics such as “lessons to be learnt from urban regeneration” and “how multi-level governance arrangements can stimulate sustainable, smart and inclusive growth” will be addressed by means of tangible projects. By focussing on concrete local practices, the added value of a strong urban dimension of Cohesion Policy will be discussed.
This two-day conference brings together policy, practice and research. The relation between strategic EU objectives and daily urban practice will be the core focus of this conference. Experts from European, national and local level will share their views on how Cohesion Policy programmes touch upon urban policies and what a possible future might look like. You are invited to share your view and take part in this debate via interactive discussions and workshops.
On-site visits to projects in Warsaw and presentations of good practices from all over Europe will give you a deeper insight in concrete instruments which might further strengthen the effectiveness of your own policy initiatives. The conference will also offer many informal opportunities for knowledge exchange and networking.
Practical information
Location: Ministry of Regional Development, Warsaw, Poland
Fee: No fee
Opening Conference
Deputy Mayor City of Warsaw (to be confirmed)
Word of Welcome
Mr.Piotr Zuber - Director Ministry of Regional Development Poland
Introduction by Conference Chair
Prof.Dr. Michael Parkinson - Director of the European Institute for Urban Affairs
Outlook: the urban dimension of the new EU programming period
Representative unit - “conception, forward studies, impact assessment”, European Commission, Directorate General for Regional Policy (to be confirmed)
Identification of local instruments for a successful integrated urban development
Mr Martin zur Nedden, Deputy Mayor of Leipzig
Lessons learnt from urban regeneration
Jan Maarten de Vet, managing director at Ecorys in Brussels
But even more than looking towards future urban policies, this joint conference will focus on what can be learnt from current integral urban projects. All over Europe, cities have gained experience with integrated urban development. The following topics play a prominent role in the conference:
How to construct a successful integrated urban approach at local level?
What financial mechanisms are available to cities and are new innovative financial instruments needed?
What lessons can be drawn for future European programmes?
Other related topics such as “lessons to be learnt from urban regeneration” and “how multi-level governance arrangements can stimulate sustainable, smart and inclusive growth” will be addressed by means of tangible projects. By focussing on concrete local practices, the added value of a strong urban dimension of Cohesion Policy will be discussed.
This two-day conference brings together policy, practice and research. The relation between strategic EU objectives and daily urban practice will be the core focus of this conference. Experts from European, national and local level will share their views on how Cohesion Policy programmes touch upon urban policies and what a possible future might look like. You are invited to share your view and take part in this debate via interactive discussions and workshops.
On-site visits to projects in Warsaw and presentations of good practices from all over Europe will give you a deeper insight in concrete instruments which might further strengthen the effectiveness of your own policy initiatives. The conference will also offer many informal opportunities for knowledge exchange and networking.
Practical information
Location: Ministry of Regional Development, Warsaw, Poland
Fee: No fee
13 de novembro de 2011
Sugestões de Leitura
A Cidade-Providência
Álvaro Domingues
Reflexões sobre o papel do Estado, numa conjuntura de desmantelamento do Estado-Providência, nos processos de urbanização e planeamento urbano.
1. Introdução
2. O estado da arte
3. Ultrapassar dificuldades: a via estreita
Link para o texto integral:
Álvaro Domingues
Reflexões sobre o papel do Estado, numa conjuntura de desmantelamento do Estado-Providência, nos processos de urbanização e planeamento urbano.
1. Introdução
2. O estado da arte
3. Ultrapassar dificuldades: a via estreita
Link para o texto integral:
09) 16ª Conferência Europeia sobre Gestão da Mobilidade - ECOMM 2012
Quando? 12 a 15 de Junho
Onde? Frankfurt
Mobility Management – key factor for European development
New challenges for our cities
E-mobility, re-urbanisation, metropolization, cultural and socio-demographic change, economic crisis and constraints
Electric Mobility is one of the main themes at this Conference
Following EU politics and national mainstreams we have to consider that Electric Mobility is one of the most important challenges of changing mobility. We are all aware that there are a lot of challenges for our cities: the central role in a metropolitan region, cultural and demographic change, , the economic crisis which severely strains many city budgets, and to this come the requirements from the EU White Paper, EU targets for climate protection and cleaner vehicles, national contributions to these themes etc. The re-urbanisation brings higher density of land use in cities while at the same time there is still the movement of people to suburban regions in ever larger metropolitan areas. There also seems to be a change of core values, for example there are indications that in many countries, most young people now prefer other status symbols than cars.
How can we use these changes for Mobility Management (MM)? What can MM contribute to (re-)establish living city districts and city centres that offer an attractive lifestyle for all inhabitants?
We cite the EU White Paper 2011: "In cities switching to cleaner transport is facilitated by lower requirements for vehicle range and higher population density. Public transport choices are more widely available, as well as the option of walking and cycling. Cities suffer most from congestion, poor air quality and noise exposure. Urban transport is responsible for about a quarter of CO2 emissions from transport, and 69% of road accidents occur in cities. The gradual phasing out of 'conventionally-fuelled' vehicles from the urban environment is a major contribution to significant reduction of oil dependence, greenhouse gas emissions and local air and noise pollution. It will have to be complemented by the development of appropriate fuelling/charging infrastructure for new vehicles. A higher share of travel by collective transport, combined with minimum service obligations, will allow increasing the density and frequency of service, thereby generating a virtuous circle for public transport modes. Demand management and land-use planning can lower traffic volumes. Facilitating walking and cycling should become an integral part of urban mobility and infrastructure design."
Central topics of the conference
1. E-mobility – New opportunities for Mobility Management!?
2. Mobility management as a regional factor
3. Experiences from Cooperation in European Projects
4. Awareness and Lifestyle – Considerable inputs for Mobility Management?
5. The challenge of socio demographic changes – migrants and an aging population
6. Regeneration of Cities – Contributions of Mobility Management
7. DECOMM 2012 – German mobility management network goes Europe
Onde? Frankfurt
Mobility Management – key factor for European development
New challenges for our cities
E-mobility, re-urbanisation, metropolization, cultural and socio-demographic change, economic crisis and constraints
Electric Mobility is one of the main themes at this Conference
Following EU politics and national mainstreams we have to consider that Electric Mobility is one of the most important challenges of changing mobility. We are all aware that there are a lot of challenges for our cities: the central role in a metropolitan region, cultural and demographic change, , the economic crisis which severely strains many city budgets, and to this come the requirements from the EU White Paper, EU targets for climate protection and cleaner vehicles, national contributions to these themes etc. The re-urbanisation brings higher density of land use in cities while at the same time there is still the movement of people to suburban regions in ever larger metropolitan areas. There also seems to be a change of core values, for example there are indications that in many countries, most young people now prefer other status symbols than cars.
How can we use these changes for Mobility Management (MM)? What can MM contribute to (re-)establish living city districts and city centres that offer an attractive lifestyle for all inhabitants?
We cite the EU White Paper 2011: "In cities switching to cleaner transport is facilitated by lower requirements for vehicle range and higher population density. Public transport choices are more widely available, as well as the option of walking and cycling. Cities suffer most from congestion, poor air quality and noise exposure. Urban transport is responsible for about a quarter of CO2 emissions from transport, and 69% of road accidents occur in cities. The gradual phasing out of 'conventionally-fuelled' vehicles from the urban environment is a major contribution to significant reduction of oil dependence, greenhouse gas emissions and local air and noise pollution. It will have to be complemented by the development of appropriate fuelling/charging infrastructure for new vehicles. A higher share of travel by collective transport, combined with minimum service obligations, will allow increasing the density and frequency of service, thereby generating a virtuous circle for public transport modes. Demand management and land-use planning can lower traffic volumes. Facilitating walking and cycling should become an integral part of urban mobility and infrastructure design."
Central topics of the conference
1. E-mobility – New opportunities for Mobility Management!?
2. Mobility management as a regional factor
3. Experiences from Cooperation in European Projects
4. Awareness and Lifestyle – Considerable inputs for Mobility Management?
5. The challenge of socio demographic changes – migrants and an aging population
6. Regeneration of Cities – Contributions of Mobility Management
7. DECOMM 2012 – German mobility management network goes Europe
Mensagens (Atom)